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Version: 0.12

Install Tremor

Lets get Tremor installed on your machine!


Debian based distributions

Tremor .deb packages are part of every release.

Go to our github release page and chose a version to download:

$ wget

Install required dependencies:

$ sudo apt install libatomic1

Install Tremor with dpkg:

$ sudo dpkg -i tremor_0.12.0-rc.2_amd64.deb

Start tremor via systemd:

$ sudo systemctl enable tremor --now

Check the logs:

$ sudo journalctl -u tremor
Mai 06 11:55:41 hostname tremor[1051339]: tremor version: 0.12.0-rc.2
Mai 06 11:55:41 hostname tremor[1051339]: tremor instance: tremor
Mai 06 11:55:41 hostname tremor[1051339]: rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
Mai 06 11:55:41 hostname tremor[1051339]: allocator: snmalloc
Mai 06 11:55:41 hostname tremor[1051339]: Listening at:

Reward yourself with a cake! You successfully installed Tremor!

Tested on

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (and derivatives)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 (and derivatives)
  • Debian 11 (and derivatives)

RPM based distributions

Tremor .rpm packages are part of every release.

Go to our github release page and chose a version to download:

$ wget

Install the package (e.g. with dnf on Fedora):

$ sudo dnf install tremor-0.12.0-0.rc.2.x86_64.rpm

dnf should resolve all required dependencies. If you don't have a tool at hand to do that for you, please install the only required dependency manually:

  • libatomic

Start Tremor via systemd:

$ sudo systemctl enable tremor --now

Check the logs:

$ sudo journalctl -u tremor
Mai 06 11:59:12 hostname tremor[1051339]: tremor version: 0.12.0-rc.2
Mai 06 11:59:12 hostname tremor[1051339]: tremor instance: tremor
Mai 06 11:59:12 hostname tremor[1051339]: rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
Mai 06 11:59:12 hostname tremor[1051339]: allocator: snmalloc
Mai 06 11:59:12 hostname tremor[1051339]: Listening at:

Reward yourself with a cake (or whatever you like, really), because you successfully installed Tremor!

Tested on

  • Fedora 35 (and derivatives)


Install Tremor via nixpkgs

$ nix-env -iA nixos.tremor-rs

Be aware that the version on nixpkgs might not always be the latest one, due to the version of rustc being available in nixpkgs.

Pre-compiled Binary

For x86_64 architectures we do release a raw tremor binary package as .tar.gz that is also part of every Release.

Go to our github release page and chose a version to download:

$ wget

Extract the package to wherever you want (and your access rights allow):

$ tar xzf tremor-0.12.0-rc.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Start tremor from your extracted package:

$ tremor-0.12.0-rc.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/tremor server run
tremor version: 0.12.0-rc.2
tremor instance: tremor
rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
allocator: snmalloc
Listening at:

Reward yourself with a cake, because you just installed Tremor on your machine! Badass!


We publish our Releases both to Docker Hub

Container registryImage name

Docker Hub

Pull our image from Docker Hub:

$ docker pull tremorproject/tremor:0.12.0-rc.2
Digest: sha256:54bae6b1f64c030086bbc1b083daedc8c5d1725093e76b1571744e1fa26505be
Status: Downloaded newer image for tremorproject/tremor:0.12.0-rc.2

Github Packages

Pull our image from the Github Packages Container Registry:

$ docker pull
Digest: sha256:54bae6b1f64c030086bbc1b083daedc8c5d1725093e76b1571744e1fa26505be
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Build From Source


When building Tremor from source, you are pretty much on your own. Good luck!


  • Rust toolchain 1.60.0 - Install via Rustup or any other way you prefer
  • CMake (Minimum supported version 3.2)
  • libclang (E.g. via ubuntu package: libclang-dev)
  • The tremor sources obtained from our Repository

Build via cargo

To build a production-ready, optimized and stripped executable:

$ cd tremor-runtime
$ cargo build --all --release
$ strip target/release/tremor
$ target/release/tremor --version

The tremor binary now can be found at target/release/tremor.

Make sure to distribute the standard library from tremor-script/lib together with the tremor binary and adapt the TREMOR_PATH environment variable to point at the standard library directory and any directories you want ot import your Tremor deployment language modules from.