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Version: 0.12

Command Line Interface

This document summarises the tremor cli commands.


Tremor operators and developers

General flags and switches

Options that are available to all subcommands.


--help-hswitch/flagnoPrints help information
--instance-iswitch/flagnoInstance identifier (default: tremor)
--logger-config-l<LOGGER_CONFIG>noConfiguration file for Log4RS ( default: none )


Prints version information.

--version-Vswitch/flagnoPrints version information
$ tremor --version
tremor 0.12.0


Set of commands supported by the command line interface.


completionsGenerate shell completions to stdout. Tries to guess the shell if no subcommand is given.
serverTremor server
testTesting facilities
dbgAdvanced debugging commands
runRun tremor script or query files against stdin or a json data archive, the data will be read from STDIN or an archive and written to STDOUT.
docGenerates documention from tremor script files
newGenerates a project template

Shell Completions

Generate shell completions to standard output on the console.

Tries to guess the shell if no subcommand is given.


guessGenerate completion based on active shell
bashGenerate bash shell completions
zshGenerate zsh shell completions
elvishGenerate elvish shell completions
fishGenerate fish shell completions
powershellGenerate powershell shell completions

How to guess the shell completion?

Generate completion based on active shell

How to explicitly guess completion based on active shell?

$ tremor completions guess

Short form guess completion based on active shell

$ tremor completions

How to generate shell completions for the bash shell?

Generate bash shell completions.

$ tremor completions bash

How to generate shell completions for the zsh shell?

Generate zsh shell completions.

$ tremor completions zsh

How to generate shell completions for the elvish shell?

Generate elvish shell completions

$ tremor completions elvish

How to generate shell completions for the fish shell?

Generate fish shell completions.

$ tremor completions fish

How to generate shell completions for the powershell shell?

Generate powershell shell completions.

$ tremor completions powershell

Running a standalone server instance

Run tremor as a long lived standalone server instance.

server runRuns the tremor server process


--api-host-a<API_HOST>The host:port to listen for the API ( default: )
--debug-connectors-dbooleanLoads the debug connectors ( default: false )
--no-api-nbooleanOptionally disable API ( default: false )
--pid-<PID>Path to file to store captured process id if set ( default: none )
--recursion-limit-r<RECURSION_LIMIT>Function tail-recursion stack depth limit ( default: 1024 )


artefactsNoneswitch/flagyesPaths to .troy files containing pipelines, onramps, offramps to provision

Run tremor with zero deployments

$ tremor server run
tremor version: 0.12.0 (RELEASE)
tremor instance: tremor
rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
allocator: snmalloc
Listening at:

This command will run tremor with no deployments and expose its API on

Run tremor with alternative API endpoint

$ tremor server run --api-host localhost:1234
tremor version: 0.12.0 (RELEASE)
tremor instance: tremor
rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
allocator: snmalloc
Listening at: http://localhost:1234

Run tremor capturing process id to a file

$ tremor server run --pid
tremor version: 0.12.0 (RELEASE)
tremor instance: tremor
rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
allocator: snmalloc
Listening at: http://localhost:1234
$ cat

Run tremor without API running a deployment

$ tremor server run --pid my_deployment.troy
tremor version: 0.12.0 (RELEASE)
tremor instance: tremor
rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
allocator: snmalloc

Run tremor with a TREMOR_PATH environment set

$ export TREMOR_PATH=/usr/local/share/tremor/lib:/opt/my_app_modules/lib
$ tremor server run --pid my_deployment.troy
tremor version: 0.12.0 (RELEASE)
tremor instance: tremor
rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
allocator: snmalloc

Testing facilities

Run user defined or tremor provided test suites.

$ tremor test [<MODE>] [<PATH>]

The framework will walk the provided path for tests conforming to the mode of operation supplied and execute the tests.

To setup a test folder to contain our tests:

$ mkdir tests
$ cd tests
$ echo '[ "all" ]' >> tags.yaml

::note The tags.yaml allows a list of tags to be defined to control filtering tests by inclusion or exclusion. By default all tests are run. But tags allow a subset to be selected. ::


MODENoneswitch/flagnoOne of all, bench, integration, or unit
PATHNoneswitch/flagnoThe root test path
REPORTNoneswitch/flagnoShould generate a test report to specified path
INCLUDESNoneswitch/flagnoOptional tags to filter test executions by
EXCLUDESNoneswitch/flagnoOptional tags to filter test executions by
QUIETNoneswitch/flagnoonly print failed tests

How do I write a benchmark?

Within our parent tests folder, we can create one or many sub folders to contain benchmarks:

$ cd tests
$ mkdir bench
$ cd bench
$ echo '[ "bench" ]' >> tags.yaml

Let us create a benchmark called example

$ cd tests/bench
$ mkdir example
$ cd example
$ echo '[ "pipeline", "codec::binary", "passthrough", "example" ]' >> tags.yaml

Create a deployment file config.troy that encapsulates our benchmark logic:

define flow main
# Our pipeline under test
define pipeline passthrough
select event from in into out;

# Benchmark conditions with replayed data
define connector bench from bench
codec = "json",
file = "data.json.xz",
base64 = false,
codec = args.codec,
config = {
"base64": args.base64,
"source": "./#{args.file}",
"warmup_secs": 5,
"stop_after_secs": 25,
"significant_figures": 2,

create connector bench from bench
codec = "binary",
create pipeline main from passthrough;

connect /connector/bench to /pipeline/main;
connect /pipeline/main to /connector/bench;
deploy flow main;

This assumes that a data.json.xz line delimited json file exists in the test folder.

{ "snot": "badger" }

We can execute this test directly in the current working folder.

$ cd tests/bench/example
$ tremor test bench .
Benchmark: Running .
Tags: codec:binary pipeline passthrough example

| Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
| 12799 0.00000 1 1.00
| 55551 0.25000 271201 1.33
| 23986175 1.00000 1077905 1048576.00
| 31719423 1.00000 1077906 1398101.33
| 31719423 1.00000 1077906 inf
| #[Mean = 160029.80, StdDeviation = 454979.40]
| #[Max = 31719423, Total count = 1077906]
| #[Buckets = 30, SubBuckets = 3968]
| Throughput (data): 0.4 MB/s
| Throughput (events): 43.1k events/s

Elapsed: 30s 80ms

All Benchmark Stats: Pass 1 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 0
Total Stats: Pass 1 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 0
Total Elapsed: 30s 83ms

We can execute our entire suite and discover all benchmarks automatically:

$ tremor test bench tests

Generally, reusable logic and the TREMOR_PATH environment variable will be set where external modules, such as utilities in the standard library are being used in a test.

Our worked example has no external module dependencies so we omit this.

The full source for this example.

Any output from the system under test will be captured in log files

$ cd tests/bench/example
$ ls *.log
fg.err.log fg.out.log

How do I write an integration test?

Within our parent tests folder, we can create one or many sub folders to contain integration tests:

$ cd tests
$ mkdir integration
$ cd integration
$ echo '[ "integration" ]' >> tags.yaml

Let us create an integration test called example2

$ cd tests/integration
$ mkdir example2
$ cd example2
$ echo '[ "integration", "structured", "metronome", "example2" ]' >> tags.yaml

Create a deployment file config.troy that encapsulates our integration test logic:

define flow main
define connector exit from exit;

# Connector under test
define connector metronome from metronome
config = {"interval": 500}

define connector write_file from file
file = "out.log"
codec = "json-sorted",
postprocessors = ["separate"],
config = {
"path": args.file,
"mode": "truncate"

define pipeline main
select "triggered" from in into out;

define pipeline exit
select {
"exit": 0,
} from in into out;

create connector exit from exit;
create connector file from write_file;
create connector metronome;
create pipeline main;
create pipeline exit;

connect /connector/metronome to /pipeline/main;
connect /connector/metronome to /pipeline/exit;
connect /pipeline/main to /connector/file;
connect /pipeline/exit to /connector/exit;
deploy flow main;

As this is an integration test we need an assert specification:

status: 0
name: example2
- source: out.log
- "\"triggered\""

We can execute this test directly in the current working folder.

$ cd tests/integration/example2
$ tremor test integration .
Integration: Running .
Tags: example2 metronome integration connector
(+) Assert 0: Status example2
(+) Assert 1: Contains `"triggered"` in `out.log`
Stats: Pass 2 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 2
Elapsed: 72ms 635us

All Integration Stats: Pass 1 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 2
Total Stats: Pass 1 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 2
Total Elapsed: 75ms 670us

We can execute our entire suite and discover all integration tests automatically:

$ tremor test integration tests

Generally, reusable logic and the TREMOR_PATH environment variable will be set where external modules, such as utilities in the standard library are being used in a test.

Our worked example has no external module dependencies so we omit this.

The full source for this example.

Any output from the system under test will be captured in log files

$ cd tests/integration/example2
$ ls *.log
fg.err.log fg.out.log out.log

How do I write a unit test suite?

Within our parent tests folder, we can create one or many sub folders to contain unit test suites:

$ cd tests
$ mkdir unit
$ cd unit
$ echo '[ "unit" ]' >> tags.yaml

Let us create a unit test suite called example3

$ cd tests/unit
$ mkdir example3
$ cd example3
$ echo '[ "unit", "example3" ]' >> tags.yaml

Create a metadata file meta.yaml that encapsulates our unit test conditions:

"kind": "Unit",
"includes": "all.tremor"

As this is a unit test we need to provide a test suite:

# We import the `std::test` module with unit test support
use std::test;

# We include a function for simplicity in this example
fn square(x) with
x * x

# Our suite of tests
"name": "square test",
"tags": ["square"],
"tests": [
"name": "square_2",
"test": test::assert("square_2", square(2), 4)
"name": "square_4",
"test": test::assert("square_4", square(4), 16)
"name": "square_10",
"test": test::assert("square_10", square(10), 100)

We can execute this test directly in the current working folder .

$ cd tests/unit/example3
$ tremor test unit .
Framework: Finding unit test scenarios
Unit Test Scenario: /workspace/tremor-www/docs/operations/tests/unit/example3/all.tremor
Tags: unit example3

Suite: square test
Tags: square unit example3
Stats: Pass 3 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 3
Elapsed: 4ms 611us
Unit Stats: Pass 3 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 3

All Unit Stats: Pass 3 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 3
Total Stats: Pass 3 Fail 0 Skip 0 Asserts 3
Total Elapsed: 7ms 263us

We can execute our entire suite and discover all integration tests automatically:

$ tremor test unit tests

Generally, reusable logic and the TREMOR_PATH environment variable will be set where external modules, such as utilities in the standard library are being used in a test.

Our worked example has no external module dependencies so we omit this.

The full source for this example.

Further examples

Tremor ships with more complete examples that we run as part of our CI and CD processes that can be referenced here.

Debugging facilities

Debugging commands useful for contributors, language writers, and tremor operators and authors.


--no-banner-bswitch/flagnoDo not print the banner ( default: false )
--no-highlight-nswitch/flagnoDo not highlight output ( default: false
--raw-rswitch/flagnoDo not output any formatting. Disables highlight, banner, line numbers. ( default: false )

Sub Commands

dotprints the .dot representation for a query (you can use `
astprints the AST of the source
lexprints lexemes
srcprints source

dbg dot

Generates a GraphViz .dot graph representation for a query.

How to generate a GraphViz .dot file on standard output

$ tremor dbg dot [<SCRIPT>]

How to generate a GraphViz .dot file as PNG

$ tremor dbg dot foo.troy | dot -Tpng -o foo.troy.png

dbg ast

Generate the Abstract syntax Tree ( AST ) of a valid tremor source files

$ tremor dbg ast [<SCRIPT>]

dbg lex

Prints a representation of the lexical token stream for the source passed.

This tool is useful for understanding the lexical structure of a tremor source, or when troubleshotting and debugging changes to the lexer.

$ tremor dbg lex [<SCRIPT>]

dbg src

Prints a syntax highlighted representation of the source based on the lexical token stream.

::note This tool will highlight source even if the code is semantically incorrect. To check for validity the ast tool can be used to emit a hygienic error for these cases. The lex tool can be used to compare file variants.

$ tremor dbg src [<SCRIPT>]

Interactive Development

Run tremor script or query files against stdin or a json data archive, the data will be read from STDIN or an archive and written to STDOUT.

This command supports execution of troy files but we recommend using tremor server run instead.

$ tremor run [<OPTIONS>] <SCRIPT>


SCRIPTNoneswitch/flagnofilename to run the data through
--interactiveNoneswitch/flagnoShould not output to consumed source / produced synthetic data or errors
--prettyNoneswitch/flagnoShould not pretty print data [ when in interactive mode ]
--encoder-dswitch/flagnoThe codec to use for encoding the data ( default: json )
--decoder-eswitch/flagnoThe codec to use for decoding the data ( default: json )
--infile-iswitch/flagnoinput file ( default: stdin )
--outfile-oswitch/flagnooutput file ( default: stdout )
--preprocessorNoneswitch/flagnopreprocessor to pass data through before decoding ( default: separate )
--postprocessorNoneswitch/flagnopostprocessor to pass data through after encoding ( default: separate )
output-portNoneswitch/flagnoselects the port to pull output

How do I interactively test work under development?

Given a simple tremor script:

fn square(x) with
x * x

$ tremor run source.tremor
> 1
> 2

We can test hygienic errors by using a bad codec:

$ tremor run -d string source.tremor
> *
Error in source.tremor:2:3
2 | x * x
| ^^^^^ The binary operation `*` is not defined for the type `string` and `string`

And we can exercise preprocessors:

$ tremor run -e string --postprocessor base64 source.tremor
> 1

Documentation Generation

This tool generates markdown documentation against modular tremor source designed for inclusion into other projects. This tool is used by tremor itself to generate its own standard library documentation on the tremor website.

The tool traverses modular source contained within a module root and documents definitions available within .troy and .tremor files.

$ tremor doc [<DIR>] [<OUTDIR>]


--interactive-iswitch/flagnoGenerates output to standard output


DIRNoneswitch/flagnoDirectory or source to generate documents for
OUTDIRNoneswitch/flagnoDirectory to generate documents into

Generating documents for the standard library

$ tremor doc /path/to/tremor/lib /tmp/docs


This command generates a new project template that can be used as a starting point.

$ tremor new <NAME>


NAMENoneswitch/flagnoName of the project