Query Grammar
Rule Query
The Query
rule defines the logical entry point into Tremor's statement
oriented query grammar. The grammar is embedded into deployments via
define pipeline
Pipelines effectively provide a continous streaming abstraction for
event processing. The pipeline query is a graph of connected streams
and operators. The operators can be builtin or provided by users through
the script
Window definitions for use in windowed statements such as those supported by
the select
operation are also defined and named so that they can be used
by multiple operations and to compose tilt frames - chains of successive
windows of data in a streaming continuous select operation.
The syntax supports the definition of sub queries through the same define pipeline
syntax as in the deployment grammar.
rule Query ::=
ConfigDirectives Stmts
| Stmts
Rule ConfigDirectives
The ConfigDirectives
rule allows line delimited compiler, interpreter or
runtime hints to be specified.
rule ConfigDirectives ::=
ConfigDirective ConfigDirectives
| ConfigDirective
See ConfigDirective
for supported directives.
Rule Stmts
The Stmts
rule defines a ;
semi-colon delimited sequence of Stmt
rule Stmts ::=
Stmt ';' Stmts
| Stmt ';' ?
Example for a query pipeline
use tremor;
create stream snot;
create stream badger;
# ...
Rule Stmt
The Stmt
rule defines the legal statements in a query script.
Queries in tremor support:
- Defining named
definitions. - Creating node instances of
operations. - Linking nodes togther to form an execution graph via the
rule Stmt ::=
| DefineWindow
| DefineOperator
| DefineScript
| DefinePipeline
| CreateOperator
| CreateScript
| CreatePipeline
| CreateStream
| OperatorSelect
Rule Use
Imports definitions from an external source for use in the current source file.
The contents of a source file form a module.
Multiple modules that share a common root can be combined into a single use clause by using use some::root::{m1, m2::sub_module::{m3, m4}}
environment path variable is a :
delimited set of paths.
Each path is an absolute or relative path to a directory.
When using relative paths - these are relative to the working directory where the
executable is executed from.
The tremor standard library MUST be added to the path to be accessible to scripts.
rule Use ::=
'use' UseTarget
Modules can be scripts. Scripts can store function and constant definitions.
Scripts are stored in .tremor
Modules can be queries. Queries can store window, pipeline, script and operator definitions.
Scripts are stored in .trickle
Modules can be deployments. Deployments can store connector, pipeline and flow definitions.
Deployments are stored in .troy
Modules in tremor are resolved via the TREMOR_PATH
environment variable. The variable can
refer to multiple directory paths, each separated by a :
colon. The relative directory
structure and base file name of the source file form the relative module path.
It is not recommended to have overlapping or shared directories across the set of paths provided in the tremor path.
It is not recommended to have multiple definitions mapping to the same identifier.
Rule DefineWindow
The DefineWindow
rule defines a temporal window specification.
A window is a mechanism that caches, stores or buffers events for processing over a finite temporal range. The time range can be based on the number of events, the wall clock or other defined parameters.
The named window can be instanciated via operations that support windows such
as the select
rule DefineWindow ::=
( DocComment ) ? 'define' 'window' Ident 'from' WindowKind CreationWith ( ScriptState ) ? ( NamedScript ) ? ( EmbeddedScriptContent ) ? 'end'
define window four from tumbling
size = 4
Rule DefineOperator
The DefineOperator
rule defines an operator.
An operator is a query operation composed using the builtin operators provided by tremor written in the rust programming language.
The named operator can be parameterized and instanciated via the CreateOperator
rule DefineOperator ::=
( DocComment ) ? 'define' 'operator' Ident 'from' OperatorKind ArgsWithEnd
define pipeline subq
define operator counter from generic::counter;
create operator counter;
select event from in into counter;
select event from counter into out;
create pipeline subq;
select event from in into subq;
select event from subq into out;
Uses the builtin counter sequencing operator to numerate a stream.
Rule DefineScript
The DefineScript
rule defines a named operator based on a tremor script.
A script operator is a query operation composed using the scripting language DSL rather than the builtin operators provided by tremor written in the rust programming language.
The named script can be parameterized and instanciated via the CreateScript
rule DefineScript ::=
( DocComment ) ? 'define' 'script' Ident DefinitionArgs ScriptState ? NamedScripts
define operator bucket from grouper::bucket;
define script categorize
let $rate = 1;
let $dimensions = event.logger_name;
let $class = "test";
create operator bucket;
create script categorize;
select event from in into categorize;
select event from categorize into bucket;
select event from bucket into out;
Rule DefinePipeline
The DefinePipeline
rule creates a named pipeline.
A pipeline is a query operation composed using the query langauge DSL instead of a builtin operation provided by tremor written in the rust programming language.
The named pipeline can be parameterized and instanciated via the CreatePipeline
rule DefinePipeline ::=
( DocComment ) ? 'define' 'pipeline' Ident ( 'from' Ports ) ? ( 'into' Ports ) ? DefinitionArgs Pipeline
define pipeline identity
select event from in into out;
Rule CreateOperator
The CreateOperator
rule creates an operator.
An operator is a query operation composed using the builtin operators provided by tremor written in the rust programming language.
The rule causes an instance of the referenced operator definition to be created an inserted into the query processing execution graph.
rule CreateOperator ::=
'create' 'operator' Ident CreationWithEnd
| 'create' 'operator' Ident 'from' ModularTarget CreationWithEnd
# Define a round robin operator with 3 slots
define operator roundrobin from qos::roundrobin
outputs = ["one", "two", "three"]
# create an instance of the operator
create operator roundrobin;
# Filter all inbound events into the rond robin
select event from in into roundrobin;
# Union slots inot outbound port
select event from roundrobin/one into out;
select event from roundrobin/two into out;
select event from roundrobin/three into out;
Rule CreateScript
The CreateScript
rule creates an operator based on a tremor script.
A script operator is a query operation composed using the scripting language DSL rather than the builtin operators provided by tremor written in the rust programming language.
The rule causes an instance of the referenced script definition to be created an inserted into the query processing execution graph.
rule CreateScript ::=
'create' 'script' Ident CreationWithEnd
| 'create' 'script' Ident 'from' ModularTarget CreationWithEnd
define operator bucket from grouper::bucket;
define script categorize
let $class = "test";
let $dimensions = [event.type, event.application];
let $rate = 1;
create operator bucket;
create script categorize;
select event from in into categorize;
select event from categorize into bucket;
select event from bucket into out;
Rule CreatePipeline
The CreatePipeline
rule creates a pipeline.
A pipeline is a query operation composed using the query langauge DSL instead of a builtin operation provided by tremor written in the rust programming language.
The rule causes an instance of the referenced pipeline definition to be created an inserted into the query processing execution graph.
rule CreatePipeline ::=
'create' 'pipeline' Ident CreationWithEnd
| 'create' 'pipeline' Ident 'from' ModularTarget CreationWithEnd
# Define a pipeline called `identity`
define pipeline identity
select event from in into out;
# Create an instance of the pipeline
create pipeline identity
Rule CreateStream
The CreateStream
allows users to create user defined streams beyond the basic
buitin set of in
, out
and err
provided by the runtime for a pipeline query.
rule CreateStream ::=
'create' 'stream' Ident
create stream ctrl;
Creates a user defined stream by the provided name ctrl
Rule OperatorSelect
The OperatorSelect
rule provides the select
statement in streaming queries.
The statement has
- A target expression
- A stream and port from which to consume events
- A stream and port to which synthetic events are produced
- An optional set of iwndow definitions
- An optional
filter - An optional
filter - An optional
group by
Unlike ANSI-ISO SQL select operations in tremor do not presume tabular or columnar data. The target expression can be any well-formed and legal value supported by tremor.
rule OperatorSelect ::=
'select' ComplexExprImut 'from' StreamPort ( WindowClause ) ? ( WhereClause ) ? ( GroupByClause ) ? 'into' StreamPort ( HavingClause ) ?
The builtin select
operator in queries.
A simple non-windowed non-grouped select
select event from in into out;
A simple non-windowed grouped select
select event from in into out group by event.key;
A windowed grouped select operation
select event from in[one_sec] by event.key into out;
Multiple windows can be configured in lower resolutions for multi-resolution windowed expressions where lower resolutions are merged into from higher resolution windows
select aggr::stats::hdr(event.count) form in[one_sec, fifteen_sec, one_min, one_hour] into out;
Rule DocComment
The DocComment
rule specifies documentation comments in tremor.
Documentation comments are optional.
A documentation comment begins with a ##
double-hash and they are line delimited.
Muliple successive comments are coalesced together to form a complete comment.
The content of a documentation comment is markdown syntax.
rule DocComment ::=
| DocComment '<doc-comment>'
Documentation level comments are used throughout the tremor standard library and used as part of our document generation process.
Here is a modified snippet from the standard library to illustrate
## Returns the instance of tremor.
## Returns a `string`
intrinsic fn instance() as system::instance;
This is a builtin function implemented in rust and used in a script as follows:
use tremor::system;
Rule Ident
An Ident
is an identifier - a user defined name for a tremor value.
rule Ident ::=
Examples of identifiers
let snot = { "snot": "badger" };
Keyword escaping
Surrounding an identifier with a tick '`' allows keywords in tremor's DSLs to be escaped
let `let` = 1234.5;
You can even use emoji as identifiers via the escaping mechanism.
let `🚀` = "rocket";
But we cannot think of any good reason to do so!
Rule WindowKind
A tumbling
window defines a wall-clock-bound or data-bound window of non-overlapping
time for storing events. The windows can not overlap, and there are no gaps between
windows permissible.
A sliding
window defines a wall-clock-bound or data-bound window of events that captures
an intervalic window of events whose extent derives from the size of the window. A sliding
window of size 2 captures up to to events. Every subsequent event will evict the oldest and
retain the newest event with the previous ( now oldest ) event.
Both kinds of window store events in arrival order
rule WindowKind ::=
| 'tumbling'
Currently only tumbling
is implemented.
Rule CreationWith
The CreationWith
rule defines an optional with
block of expressions without a terminal end
rule CreationWith ::=
Rule ScriptState
rule ScriptState ::=
'state' ExprImut
Rule NamedScript
rule NamedScript ::=
'script' 'from' Ident TopLevelExprs
Rule EmbeddedScriptContent
The EmbeddedScriptContent
rule defines an embedded script expression.
rule EmbeddedScriptContent ::=
'script' TopLevelExprs
A single expression embedded within an embedded script
Rule OperatorKind
The OperatorKind
rule defines a modular path like reference to a builtin tremor operator.
Operators are programmed in rust native code and referenced via a virtual module path.
rule OperatorKind ::=
Ident '::' Ident
A modular path identifying a builtin operator.
define operator roundrobin from qos::roundrobin;
Rule ArgsWithEnd
The ArgsWithEnd
rule defines an arguments block with an end
rule ArgsWithEnd ::=
ArgsClause ? WithEndClause
An internal rule that defines an optional args
block with and optional end
This rule is used and shared in other rules as part of their definitions.
Rule DefinitionArgs
The DefinitionArgs
rule defines an arguments block without an end
rule DefinitionArgs ::=
ArgsClause ?
An optional argument block
args arg1, arg 2
This is a shared internal rule used in other rules as part of their definition.
Rule NamedScripts
rule NamedScripts ::=
NamedScript NamedScripts
| EmbeddedScript
Rule ExprImut
The ExprImut
is the root of immutable expressions in tremor.
rule ExprImut ::=
The effective root of the subset of the expression langauge applicable in most immutable processing context in tremor is captured by this rule.
Rule EmbeddedScript
The EmbeddedScript
rule defines a script using the Script DSL [ Full ].
The script is enclosed in script
.. end
rule EmbeddedScript ::=
EmbeddedScriptContent 'end'
Rule TopLevelExprs
The TopLevelExprs
rule defines semi-colon separated sequence of top level
tremor expressions with an optional terminating semi-colon
rule TopLevelExprs ::=
TopLevelExpr ';' TopLevelExprs
| TopLevelExpr ';' ?
The ToplEvelExprs
specifies the expressions that are legal at the top level
of a script
event.sum * 2
A sequence of ';' semi-colon delimited expressions of the following form are permissible:
- Constants
- Function definitions
- Intrinsic function definitions in the standard library
- Provided by the runtime to document builtins - not user modifiable without a pull request or feature enhancement
- Arbitrary complex expressions
- Use definitions
Rule Ports
The Ports
rule defines a ,
comma delimited set of stream ports.
rule Ports ::=
Sep!(Ports, <Ident>, ",")
A set of ports
exposed in pipeline definitions in their from
and into
define pipeline example
from in, out, err, ctrl
into in, out, err, ctrl
# A pipeline query implementation
The from
and into
ports do not need to be the same.
Tremor's compiler and runtime can use these definitions to validate deployments are correct, or discover deployments that are invalid. It is an error to send data to or receive data from a pipeline port that is not specified.
Rule Pipeline
The Pipeline
rule defines a block of statements in a pipeline
.. end
The block MAY begin with an optional set of ConfigDirectives
rule Pipeline ::=
'pipeline' ConfigDirectives ? PipelineCreateInner 'end'
An internal rule to the DefinePipeline
rule where the pipeline logic is provided.
Rule ComplexExprImut
The ComplexExprImut
rule defines complex immutable expression in tremor.
rule ComplexExprImut ::=
| ForImut
| ExprImut
Rule StreamPort
The StreamPort
rule defines a stream by name with an optional named Port
When the Port
is omitted, tremor will internally default the Port
to the
appropriate in
or out
port. Where the err
or user defined Port
s are
preferred, the optional Port
specification SHOULD be provided.
rule StreamPort ::=
Ident MaybePort
Within a query, allows the port of a specific stream to be referenced directly.
Rule WindowClause
The WindowClause
rule defines an optional window definition for a supporting operation.
rule WindowClause ::=
Rule WhereClause
The WhereClause
defines a predicate expression used to filter ( forward or discard ) events in an operation.
The where
clause is executed before a operation processes an event.
rule WhereClause ::=
'where' ComplexExprImut
select event from in
where present event.important
into out
The where
filters events before computations occur upon them in operators
that support the clause. Any predicate ( boolean ) expression can be used
in a where
Rule GroupByClause
The GroupByClause
defines the group by clause of a supporting operation in tremor.
An operator that uses a group by clause maintains the operation for each group captured by the grouping dimensions specified in this clause.
rule GroupByClause ::=
'group' 'by' GroupDef
select event from in[one_second]
having present event.important
group by event.priority
into out
The group by
clause groups events based on a group expression. Each computed group effectively
has its own memory and computation allocated.
For windowed operations the windows are allocated for each group.
These groups and their windows are independant. This means that opening, closing, filling and recycling of windows is by group.
Rule HavingClause
The HavingClause
defines a predicate expression used to filter ( forward or discard ) events in an operation.
The having
clause is executed after an operation has processed an event.
rule HavingClause ::=
'having' ComplexExprImut
select event from in
having present event.important
into out
The having
filters events after computations has occured within them in operators
that support the clause. Any predicate ( boolean ) expression can be used
in a having
When appropriate, the where
clause should be used in preference over the having
It is better to filter early before computation occurs when this is practicable or possible.
Rule CreationWithEnd
The CreationWithEnd
rule defines a with
block of expressions with a terminal end
rule CreationWithEnd ::=
with x = y end
Rule ModularTarget
A ModularTarget
indexes into tremor's module path.
In tremor a module
is a file on the file system.
A module
is also a unit of compilation.
A ModularTarget
is a ::
double-colon delimited set of identifiers.
Leading ::
are not supported in a modular target..
Trailing ::
are not supported in a modular target.
rule ModularTarget ::=
| ModPath '::' Ident
Loading and using a builtin function
# Load the base64 utilities
use std::base64;
# Base64 encode the current `event`.
Loading and using a builtin function with an alias
# Load the base64 utilities
use std::base64 as snot;
# Base64 encode the current `event`.
Rule MaybePort
The MaybePort
rule defines an optional Port
rule MaybePort ::=
( '/' Ident ) ?
When interconnecting pipelines and connectors in flow definitions default ports can be inferred by the tremor runtime.
When an alternate port is required, the port specification can be used to explicitly select from available inbound or outbound ports.
Rule WindowDefn
The WindowDefn
defines a temporal basis over which a stream of events is applicable.
rule WindowDefn ::=
'[' Windows ']'
Operations supporting windowed aggregate functions in tremor such as the select
statement can window incoming streams in the from
select aggr::count(event) from in[one_second, ten_second]
Here, we stream events from the in
stream into a one_second
Every second, we stream the aggregate result from the one second window
into the ten_second
So, even if we have 1 million events per second, the one_second
and ten_second
windows will convert the event firehose into a trickle
. Fun fact: this pun is where the
query language got its name from.
Rule Windows
The Windows
rule defines a sequence of window definitions that are ,
comma delimited.
rule Windows ::=
Wraps the Windows_
internal rule for other rules to consume in their definitions
Rule Windows_
The Windows_
rule defines a sequence of window definitions that are ,
comma delimited.
rule Windows_ ::=
Sep!(Windows_, Window, ",")
A comma delimited set of window references.
Windows can be local or modular
win, my_module::one_sec, my_module::five_sec
The identifers refer to a window definition and can be used in operators to define a temporally bound set of events based on the semantics of the window definition.
In a tilt frame - or set of windows, the output of a window can is the input the next window in a sequence. This is a form of temporal window-driven event compaction that allows memory be conserved.
At 1000 events per second, a 1 minute window needs to store 60,000
events per group per second. But 60 1 second windows can be merged
with aggregate functions like dds
and hdr
Say, each histogram is 1k of memory per group per frame - that is a cost of 2k bytes per group.
In a streaming system - indefinite aggregation of in memory events is always a tradeoff against available reosurces, and the relative business value.
Often multiple windows in a tilt frame can be more effective than a single very long lived window.
Rule Window
The Window
rule defines a modular target to a window definition.
rule Window ::=
Rule GroupDef
The GroupDef
rule defines the parts of a grouping dimension.
Group segments can be derived from:
- Expressions - for which their serialized values are used.
- Set expressions - which computes a set based on an expression.
- Each expressions - which iterates an expression to compute a set.
rule GroupDef ::=
| 'set' '(' GroupDefs ')'
| 'each' '(' ExprImut ')'
Example group definitions
A string value
The serialization of any legal tremor data value
A set based on multiple expressions:
set(event.key, state[key])
An set computed from an interation
let keys = ['snot', 'badger', 'goose'];
## Rule GroupDefs
The `GroupDefs` rule defines a `,` comma delimited set of `GroupDef` rules.

rule GroupDefs ::=
Wraps a macro call for use by other productions in the grammar
Rule GroupDefs_
The GroupDefs_
rule defines a ,
comma delimited set of GroupDef
rule GroupDefs_ ::=
Sep!(GroupDefs_, GroupDef, ",")
A comma delimited set of GroupDef
Rule EmbeddedScriptImut
The EmbeddedScriptImut
rule defines an optional embedded script
rule EmbeddedScriptImut ::=
'script' EmbeddedScriptContentImut
Rule EmbeddedScriptContentImut
rule EmbeddedScriptContentImut ::=
Rule PipelineCreateInner
The PipelineCreateInner
is an internal rule of the Pipeline
The rule defines a ;
semi-colon delimited set of one or many Stmt
rule PipelineCreateInner ::=
Stmt ';' Stmts
| Stmt ';' ?
This rule allows queries to be defined in the context of a pipeline definition.