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Version: 0.12


Tremor scripts are user-defined pipeline Operators. They also have the standard ports in, out and err and are part of the Pipeline graph. Events are routed into and out of scripts using the Select statement inside a Pipeline.

Scripts need to be defined using the Script definition statement and created by using the Script create statement. They can have Arguments that can be provided upon creation.


define script add
emit event + args.summand

create script add_one from add
summand = 1


Scripts are executed and evaluated for each event Selected into its in port. They are interpreted statement by statement, at each execution step the event, the script state and the local variable stack can be manipulated.

During execution, the payload of the current event is available via the special event path. As on each other level inside the Tremor runtime events can be arbitrarily structured values, closely resembling JSON, but with some extensions. See the section on Tremors Type System.

Local variables

Local variables are introduced with the let statement. The let statement is also used for assigning values to existing variables or for adding new fields to a record value.

use std::random;

# assign to new local variable
let new_local = event.field + 4;

# assign to an existing nested field
let event.existing_field = std::random::integer(1, 10);

# reassign
let new_local = new_local + 1;

# add a new record field
let event.new_field = "snot";

Local variables are scoped to the current script or function context. There is no variable shadowing.

Emitting events

In Tremor, every expression and statement has a return value and the return value last statement in a script determines the payload of the output event. To explicitly control when and what is returned from a script, the emit statement can be used. The script execution terminates when an emit is hit in the script control flow. As such it can be used to exit a script early or to route events to different output ports.

The general form is:

emit [<EXPR>] [=> <PORT>]

where EXPR is any kind of expression and PORT is also an expression evaluating to a string. Both can be omitted. The default value for EXPR is event, so it will emit the current event. The default value for PORT is "out", so it will emit EXPR to the out port of the script.

The following example will emit event to the out port:


The following example will emit a random number to the rand port:

use std::random;

emit random::integer() => "rand";

The following example will emit the string "snot" to the port provided in the port field of the current event:

emit "snot" => event.port;

The following example will emit an error message if a required field is missing and otherwise carries on with the control flow:

match event of
case %{ absent required_field } =>
emit "'required_field' is missing" => "err"
default => null

# ...

Dropping events

The [drop] statement can be used to stop forwarding the current event and also stop execution of the current script. The input event will not be considered acknowledged or failed, but simply dropped and not passed on to the next pipeline [operator] or output port.


match event of
%{ action = "drop" } => drop;
default =>
# do something else


Every Script can error for many reasons, but the most common reasons for errors are:

  • Treating some variable as a type (e.g. accessing field of a record) that it actually isnt.
  • Accessing a field on a record that doesn't exist.
  • Accessing an index on an array that is out of bounds.

When a script errors, the input event is discarded and a synthetic event is sent to stdout. The format of the error event is:

"error":"Error: \n 13 | event.snot\n | ^^^^ Conflicting types, got string but expected record\n\n",

To make errors visible to users and to actually act upon them they need to be selected from the err port. A common pattern is to forward it to the pipeline err port:

define script foo
# trigger an error
emit event.some_non_existing_field;
create script foo;

select event from in into foo;
select event from foo into out;
# foward the script error to the pipeline `err` port
select event from foo/err into err;