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Version: 0.12

The http Connector

The http connector provides integration against the HTTP protocol suite.



define connector `http-out` from http_client
use std::time::nanos;
codec = "json", # Defaults to HTTP codec
config = {
# Target URL for this HTTP client
"url": "http://host:80",

# Optional Transport Level Security configuration
# If url schme in `url` is `https` then TLS configuration is required
# "tls" = { ... },

# Optional authentication method, can be one of
# * "basic" - basic authentication
# ```tremor
# "auth" = { "basic": { "username": "snot", "password": "badger" } },
# ```
# * "gcp" - Google Cloud Platform
# ```tremor
# "auth" = "gcp", # See
# ```
# By default, no authentication is used
# "auth" = "none",

# HTTP method - defaults to `POST`, case insensitive
# "method" = "get",

# Concurrency - number of simultaneous in-flight requests ( defaults to 4 )
# "concurrency" = 4,

# Request timeout - default is unset ( do not timeout )
# "timeout" = nanos::from_secs(10), # nanoseconds

# Optional default HTTP headers
# "headers" = { "key": "value", "other-key": ["v1", "v2"] },

# Custom Mime Codec Map, overrides default `codec`
# "custom_codecs" = {
# # key defines the MIME type, value defines codec by name
# "application/json": "json",
# "application/yaml": "yaml"
# }


define connector `http-in` from http_server
codec = "json",
config = {
"url": "http://localhost:8080",

# Optional Transport Level Security configuration
# "tls" = { ... },

# Custom Mime Codec Map, overrides default `codec`
# "custom_codecs" = {
# # key defines the MIME type, value defines codec by name
# "application/json": "json",
# "application/yaml": "yaml"
# }

HTTP configuration example

This is a relatively basic client server system that replays JSON formatted lines of data from a text file over HTTP to a server. The server receives the JSON events and echo's them back to the HTTP client.

The client and server are implemented as tremor flows.

A high level summary of the overall flow:

graph LR A[JSON File] -->|read line by line| B(HTTP Client) B -->|send json request| C{HTTP Server} C{HTTP Server} -->|receive json request| D(select event from in into out) D -->|echo json response| B{HTTP Client} B -->|log response| E[Log File]

The complete annotated source

define flow server
use integration;
use tremor::pipelines;
use tremor::connectors;

define connector http_server from http_server
codec = "json-sorted",
config = {
"url": "http://localhost:65535/",

define pipeline instrument
use std::array;
define window four from tumbling
size = 4
select { "event": array::sort(aggr::win::collect_flattened(event)), "meta": array::sort(aggr::win::collect_flattened($)) } from in[four] into out;

create pipeline instrument;
create connector stdio from connectors::console;
create connector http_server from http_server;

create pipeline echo from pipelines::passthrough;

# Echo http server: <http:req> -> server -> server_side -> <http:resp>
connect /connector/http_server to /pipeline/echo;
connect /pipeline/echo to /connector/http_server;
connect /pipeline/echo to /connector/stdio;

connect /connector/http_server to /pipeline/instrument;
connect /pipeline/instrument to /connector/stdio;

define flow client
use integration;
use tremor::pipelines;
use tremor::connectors;

define connector http_client from http_client
codec = "json-sorted",
config = {
"url": "http://localhost:65535/",
"headers": {
"Client": "Tremor"
reconnect = {
"retry": {
"interval_ms": 100,
"growth_rate": 2,
"max_retries": 3,

define pipeline collect
into out, exit
use std::array;
use std::time::nanos;
define window four from tumbling
size = 4
select array::sort(aggr::win::collect_flattened(event)) from in[four] into out;
select { "delay": nanos::from_seconds(1) } from in where event == "exit" into exit;
create pipeline collect;

create connector data_in from integration::read_file;
create connector data_out from integration::write_file;
create connector exit from integration::exit;
create connector stdio from connectors::console;
create connector http_client from http_client;
create connector exit from connectors::exit;

create pipeline replay from pipelines::passthrough;
create pipeline debug from pipelines::passthrough;

# Replay recorded events over http to server
connect /connector/data_in to /pipeline/replay;
connect /pipeline/replay to /connector/http_client;
connect /connector/http_client/out to /pipeline/collect;
connect /connector/http_client/err to /pipeline/debug;

connect /pipeline/collect to /connector/data_out;
connect /pipeline/debug to /connector/stdio;
# Terminate at end via `exit` event
connect /pipeline/collect/exit to /connector/exit;

deploy flow server;
deploy flow client;


The http connector supports metadata allowing request and response protocol metadata to be inspected, checked, and manipulated in advanced integrations.

Metadata allows context information related to the payload data represented as a value in tremor to be decorated with context from connectors and operators to control specific behaviours in a running pipeline.

Request metadata

Request metadata allows the HTTP method, headers and other other request parameters of the HTTP request to be overridden.

Request metadata can be set for an event

let $request = ...

The request metadata is applied per request, and should be of record type and structured as follows:

# Overrides the connector's default method HTTP for this request
# - Setting to an illegal HTTP VERB results in an error
"method": "GET",
# Overrides the endpoint, path and parameters for this request
# - Care should be taken where authentication is use
# - Setting to a non-http URL results in an error
"url": "https://some_host:8080/foo/bar/baz?a=b",
# Overrides the headers for this request, passing through unchanged default headers from configuration
"headers": { "x-snot": "y-badger", }

Special cases

  • If a transfer encoding is specified as chunked then chunked transfer encoding will be used for the request transfer
  • If a mime type is set, and custom mime codec mappings are provided the user supplied matching codec will be applied
  • If a mime type is set, and no custom mapping matches, then the configured connector codec will be applied, or the json default if none is configured.
  • If possible the connector will attempt to set an appropriate content type
  • If authentication is configured, authentication headers will follow the method supplied to the connector

Response metadata

Response metadata allows records the response parameters set against a HTTP request that a response is issued against recording the decisions the http_server connector makes when responding to requests.

The response can be read from the $response metadata.

Response metadata takes the following general form:

# The HTTP status code
"status": 200,
# Headers
"headers": { "x-snot": "y-badger", }
# The HTTP protocol version negotiated
"version": "1.1",

Correlation metadata

Setting the $correlation metadata on an outbound request will result in the response being tagged with the $correlation value set in the corresponding request.