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Version: 0.12

The null Connector

::: info

This connector is not intended for production use, but for testing the Tremor runtime itself. To enable it pass --debug-connectors to tremor.


The null connector is a connector that is used during development.

Events sent to its source are discarded on receive.

Events sent to its sink are discarded on receive.


There is no specific configuration required for this connector

  define connector nil from `null`;

A null integration test

Although designed for tests written in the rust programming language rather than the integration test framework, it could be used in an integration test as follows:

define flow main
use integration;

define connector nil from `null`;
create connector nil;

create connector exit from integration::exit;
create connector out from integration::write_file;
create connector in from integration::read_file;
create pipeline main from integration::out_or_exit;

connect /connector/in to /pipeline/main;
connect /pipeline/main to /connector/out;
connect /pipeline/main to /connector/nil;
connect /pipeline/main/exit to /connector/nil;
connect /pipeline/main/exit to /connector/exit;

deploy flow main;

We can then execute the test as follows

$ export TREMOR_PATH=/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-script/lib:/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-cli/tests/lib
$ tremor test integration .


It is an error to attempt to run any deployment using the null connector via the regular server execution command in the tremor command line interface

➜  null-exit git:(main) ✗ tremor server run config.troy
tremor version: 0.12
tremor instance: tremor
rd_kafka version: 0x000002ff, 1.8.2
allocator: snmalloc
[2022-04-12T15:28:23Z ERROR tremor_runtime::system] Error starting deployment of flow main: Unknown connector type null
Error: An error occurred while loading the file `config.troy`: Error deploying Flow main: Unknown connector type null
[2022-04-12T15:28:23Z ERROR tremor::server] Error: An error occurred while loading the file `config.troy`: Error deploying Flow main: Unknown connector type null
We are SHUTTING DOWN due to errors during initialization!
[2022-04-12T15:28:23Z ERROR tremor::server] We are SHUTTING DOWN due to errors during initialization!