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Version: 0.12

The tcp Connector

The tcp connector allows TCP-based clients and servers to be integrated with tremor.



define connector `tcp-out` from tcp_client
codec = "yaml",
postprocessors = ["base64"],
config = {
"url": "localhost:4242",

# Optional Transport Level Security configuration
# "tls" = { ... },

# Optional tuning of the Nagle algorithm ( default: true )
# - By default no delay is preferred
# "no_delay" = false,

# Data buffer size ( default: 8K, limits maximum message size )
# "buf_size" = "16K",


define connector `tcp-in` from tcp_server
codec = "string",
config = {
"url": "localhost:4242",

# Optional Transport Level Security configuration
# "tls" = { ... }

# Data buffer size ( default: 8K, limits maximum message size )
# "buf_size" = "16K",

TCP configuration example

This is a relatively simple client server system that replays JSON formatted lines of data from a text file over TCP to a server. The JSON data is transformed to base64 encoded YAML before sending to the TCP server. The server receives TCP datagrams and writes them to a log file encoding the log entries as naked string data.

The client and server are implemented as treomr flows.

A high level summary of the overall flow:

graph LR A[JSON File] -->|read line by line| B(TCP Client) B -->|base64 encoded YAML| C{TCP Server} C{TCP Server} -->|receive TCP datagrams| D(select event from in into out) D -->|string encoded data| E[Log file]

JSON file over TCP as base64 encoded YAML

A tremor flow that consumes JSON formatted data line by line from a file and sends each event as a base64 encoded YAML formatted event via TCP to a TCP service.

High level flow summary:

graph LR A[JSON File] -->|read line by line| B(TCP Client) B -->|base64 encoded YAML| C{TCP Server}

In deployable form

define flow main
use tremor::connectors;
use integration;

define connector in from file
with codec = "json",
preprocessors = ["lines"],
config = {
"path": "in.json",
"mode": "read"

define connector `tcp-out` from tcp_client
codec = "yaml",
postprocessors = ["base64"],
config = {
"url": "localhost:4242",

create pipeline main from integration::out_or_exit;
create connector in;
create connector `tcp-out`;
create connector exit from connectors::exit;

connect /connector/in/out to /pipeline/main/in;
connect /pipeline/main/out to /connector/`tcp-out`/in;
connect /pipeline/main/exit to /connector/exit/in;

deploy flow main;

TCP server that logs base64 encoded YAML as one string per line to a file

A tremor flow that consumes TCP datagram events and writes them to a file encoding as raw strings.

High level flow summary:

graph LR A{TCP Server} -->|receive TCP datagrams| B(select event from in into out) B -->|string encoded data| C[Log file]
define flow server
use integration;
use tremor::pipelines;
use tremor::connectors;

define connector tcp_server from tcp_server
preprocessors = ["lines"],
postprocessors = ["lines"],
codec = "json",
config = {
"url": "",
"buf_size": 1024,

create connector server_out from integration::write_file
file = "server_out.log"
create connector stdio from connectors::console;
create connector tcp_server;

create pipeline server_side from pipelines::passthrough;
create pipeline debug from pipelines::passthrough;

# flow from tcp_server to file
connect /connector/tcp_server to /pipeline/server_side;
connect /connector/tcp_server/err to /pipeline/debug;
connect /pipeline/server_side to /connector/server_out;

# aaaand echo it back
connect /pipeline/server_side to /connector/tcp_server;

# debugging
connect /pipeline/debug to /connector/stdio;

define flow client
use integration;
use tremor::pipelines;
use tremor::connectors;

define connector tcp_client from tcp_client
preprocessors = ["lines"],
postprocessors = ["lines"],
codec = "json",
config = {
"url": "",
"no_delay": false,
"buf_size": 1024,
reconnect = {
"retry": {
"interval_ms": 100,
"growth_rate": 2,
"max_retries": 3,

create connector in from integration::read_file;
create connector client_out from integration::write_file
file = "client_out.log"
create connector exit from integration::exit;
create connector stdio from connectors::console;
create connector tcp_client;

create pipeline to_client from pipelines::passthrough;
create pipeline from_client from integration::out_or_exit;
create pipeline debug from pipelines::passthrough;

connect /connector/in to /pipeline/to_client;
connect /connector/in/err to /pipeline/debug;
connect /pipeline/to_client to /connector/tcp_client;

# send out any responses to the client to file `client_out.log`
connect /connector/tcp_client to /pipeline/from_client;
connect /connector/tcp_client/err to /pipeline/debug;
connect /pipeline/from_client/out to /connector/client_out;
connect /pipeline/from_client/exit to /connector/exit;

# debugging
connect /pipeline/debug to /connector/stdio;


deploy flow server;
deploy flow client;


Running as an integration test

This is how we run this test sceanario within our integration test suite.

$ export TREMOR_PATH=/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-script/lib:/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-cli/tests/lib
$ tremor test integration .

Running as long running service

The logic can be used as starting point for your own client or service via tremor server run.

$ export TREMOR_PATH=/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-script/lib:/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-cli/tests/lib
$ tremor server run config.troy

Running as a long running service, with pretty printed JSON output

During development, pretty printing the JSON output on standard output might be useful.

We typically use the wonderful jq for this purpose

$ export TREMOR_PATH=/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-script/lib:/path/to/tremor-runtime/tremor-cli/tests/lib
$ tremor server run config.troy | jq


  • Modularise the solution allowing the following combinations
    • Deploy the client and server in separate tremor instances
    • Deploy the client and server in a single tremor instance
    • Use the msgpack codec instead of base64 encoded YAML
    • Unpack the base64 encoded YAML and write to a log file as line-delimited JSON
    • Add compression and decmopression