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Version: edge


The file connector enables reading and writing to files accessible via the file system.


File based event processint can be read oriented by setting the mode configuration field to read or write based by setting the mode to one of:

  • write or truncate - Creates or Opens and truncates the target file
  • append - Creates or Opens the target file without truncation
  • overwrite - Creates or Opens without truncation and overwrites existing data


An example file reader

  define connector in_file from file
codec = "json"
preprocessors = ["separate"], # line by line processing
config = {
"path": "in.json",
"mode": "read",

# Override the default builtin internal buffer chunk size
# chunk_size = 8192,

Other useful codec options might be base64, string or influx.


An example file writer

  define connector out_file from file
codec = "json-sorted", # Json sorted creates a consistent field order in record types
postprocessors = ["separate"], # line by line processing
config = {
"path": "out.log",
"mode": "truncate",

# Override the default builtin internal buffer chunk size
# chunk_size = 8192,

## How do I copy files with tremor?

graph LR
A{File: in.json} -->|read events line by line| B(passthrough)
B -->|write events line by line| C{File: out.json}

For this use case we need a file reader and writer

define flow main
use tremor::connectors;
use integration;

# we could use the connectors in integration but this is the file integration test
# so it makes more sense to define them here
define connector out_file from file
codec = "json-sorted", # Json sorted creates a consistent field order in record types
postprocessors = ["separate"], # line by line processing
config = {
"path": "out.log",
"mode": "truncate"

define connector in_file from file
codec = "json",
preprocessors = ["separate"], # line by line processing
config = {
"path": "in.json",
"mode": "read"

create connector in_file;
create connector out_file;
create connector exit from connectors::exit;
create pipeline main from integration::out_or_exit;

connect /connector/in_file to /pipeline/main;
connect /pipeline/main to /connector/out_file;
connect /pipeline/main/exit to /connector/exit;

deploy flow main;

How do I transform files with tremor?

For example we can read a line delimited JSON file and write it as base64 encoded YAML by changing our copy example above to use a different file writer configuration:

  define connector out_file from file
codec = "yaml",
postprocessors = ["base64", "separate"], # line by line processing
config = {
"path": "out.log",
"mode": "truncate"