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Version: edge


The ws_server and ws_client connectors provide support for the WebSocket protocol specification.

Tremor can expose a client or server connection.

Text and binary frames can be used.


This connector is a websocket server. It opens a TCP listening socket, and for each incoming connection it initiates the Websocket handshake. Then websocket frames can flow and are processed with the given preprocessors and codec and sent to the out port of the connector.

Each incoming connection creates a new stream of events. Events from a websocket connection bear the following metadata record at $ws_server:

"tls": true, // whether or not TLS is configured
"peer": {
"host": "", // ip of the connection peer
"port": 12345 // port of the connection peer

When a connection is established and events are received, it is possible to send events to any open connection. In order to achieve this, a pipeline needs to be connected to the in port of this connector and send events to it. There are multiple ways to target a certain connection with a specific event:

  • Send the event you just received from the ws_server right back to it. It will be able to track the the event to its websocket connection. You can even do this with an aggregate event coming from a select with a window. If an event is the result of events from multiple websocket connections, it will send the event back down to each websocket connection.
  • Attach the same metadata you receive on the connection under $ws_server to the event you want to send to that connection.


OptionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault value
urlThe host and port as url to listen on.stringyes
tlsOptional Transport Level Security configuration. See TLS configuration.recordnoNo TLS configured.
backlogThe maximum size of the queue of pending connections not yet accepted.positive integerno128
socket_optionsSee TCP socket options.recordnoSee TCP socket options defaults


An annotated example of a plain WS cient configuration leveraging defaults:

define connector in from ws_server
preprocessors = [
"name": "separate",
"config": {
"buffered": false
codec = "json",
config = {
"url": "",

An annotated example of a secure WS server configuration:

define connector ws_server from ws_server
preprocessors = ["separate"],
codec = "json",
config = {
"url": "",
"tls": {
# Security certificate for this service endpoint
"cert": "./before/localhost.cert",
# Security key
"key": "./before/localhost.key",


This connector is a websocket client, that establishes one connection to the host and port configured in url. Events sent to the in port of this connector will be processed by the configured codec and postprocessors and turned into a text or binary frame, depending on the events boolean metadata value $ws_server.binary. If you want to sent a binary frame, you need to set:

let $ws_server["binary"] = true;

If nothing is provided a text frame is sent.

Data received on the open connection is processed frame by frame by the configured preprocessors and codec and sent as event via the out port of the connector. Each event contains a metadata record of the following form via $ws_server:

"tls": false, // whether or not tls is enabled on the connection
"peer": {
"host": "", // ip of the connection peer
"port": 56431 // port of the connection peer


OptionDescriptionTypeRequiredDefault value
urlThe URL to connect to in order to initiate the websocket connection.stringyes
tlsOptional Transport Level Security configuration. See TLS configuration.record or booleannoNo TLS configured.
socket_optionsSee TCP socket options.recordnoSee TCP socket options defaults


An annotated example of a non-tls plain WS cient configuration leveraging defaults:

define my_wsc out from ws_client
postprocessors = ["separate"],
codec = "json",
config = {
# Connect to port 4242 on the loopback device
"url": "ws://"

# Optional Transport Level Security configuration
# "tls" = { ... }

# Optional tuning of the Nagle algorithm ( default: true )
# - By default no delay is preferred
# "no_delay" = false

An annotated example of a secure WS client configuration with reconnection quality of service configured:

define connector ws_client from ws_client
postprocessors = ["separate"],
codec = "json",
config = {
# Listen on all interfaces on TCP port 65535
"url": "wss://",

# Prefer delay and enable the TCP Nagle algorithm
"no_delay": false,

# Enable SSL/TLS
"tls": {
# CA certificate
"cafile": "./before/localhost.cert",
# Domain
"domain": "localhost",
# Reconnect starting at half a second, backoff by doubling, maximum of 3 tries before circuit breaking
reconnect = {
"retry": {
"interval_ms": 500,
"growth_rate": 2,
"max_retries": 3,